MARC aims to empower people with disabilities and their families to maximise the opportunities that exist in the community, by fostering the development of skills, so that people can actively participate in their community in ways that are meaningful to them.
The Mosgiel Abilities Resource Centre Incorporated (MARC) was established in 1981 to provide Vocational Day Programmes for people with disabilities in the local community. Home Support Services Otago (HSSO), a division of MARC, was established in 1988 to provide Domestic Assistance and Personal Care services to older persons and those with permanent or short term disability or illness. HSSO was sold to Access Homehealth in June 2014, however, the Vocational Day Programmes remain running from our site at 16 Green St and service the wider Dunedin community. MARC is an Incorporated Society and is registered with the Charities Commission (CC39520).

MARC’s Philosophy
- To appreciate an individual’s uniqueness and different abilities whilst recognising the common bonds of our community
- To support people in indentifying positive change and changing what can be changed
- To foster acceptance of what cannot be altered
- To encourage the acquiring of knowledge, experience and information that will enable people to make informed choices
- To appreciate the courage needed to achieve personal control and self determination
- To acknowledge that life is a risk and with decision-making there are no rights or wrongs only different consequences.
- To reflect on the dynamics of life and have an understanding that over time multiple factors will affect and change an individual’s direction, pace and support needs
- To respect each other and “do unto others as you would have done unto you” with compassion, responsibility and integrity.
Below is our latest performance report: